Our Volunteers
As a not-for-profit, volunteer managed community club, our volunteers are the lifeblood of the organisation. Volunteers take on a huge range of responsibilities, many of which may not be obvious, for example –
- coaching at introductory courses
- coaching new members
- running income generating ‘special’ events
- helping new members decide on their equipment purchases and setting it up
- maintaining and repairing broken beginner equipment
Repairing beginner arrows
- keeping the toilets clean
- attending working bees
- maintaining the gardens
The new garden under the big tree
- emptying the bins
- collecting recycling materials to generate revenue
- maintaining the distances grid on the outdoor range
Line marking the grid on the outdoor range
- grant writing and acquittal
- implementing the projects for which grants have been received
- updating and maintaining our computer and technical resources
- planning for and running state and national tournaments
Getting ready for the Indoor Nationals tournament
- DOSing (Director of Shooting) the shoots
- maintaining electronic support systems, eg, online course booking system, shoot registration, website
- refurbishing the indoor and outdoor butts
Refurbishing the outdoor practice butts
- purchasing for the canteen, and other requisites
- staffing the canteen on Saturday mornings
- responding to ‘phone and email enquiries
- banking takings and accounting for the Club finances
- acting as a judge at official tournaments
Judging tournaments
- maintaining shoot results and arranging achievement badges
- representing the Club at state level management meetings
- developing the annual shoot calendar
- dealing with facility issues, eg, when the septic system cracks up
- overseeing contractors,eg, mowing, weed poisoning, electricians, facility improvements
- the Club Committee is made up of unpaid volunteers