Opening Hours

The opening hours of Mount Petrie Bowmen can vary depending on the requirements of the Club Shooting Calendar.

Saturday – Club Day

Both the indoor hall and outdoor range are open from 9.00am until the shoot concludes, usually early to mid-afternoon.

Commemorating the Battle of Agincourt - 600 years
                                                    Commemorating the Battle of Agincourt – 600 years

Monday Night 

The indoor hall usually is open one or two Mondays of each month for private practice.  Members are advised which Mondays nights via the Club weekly email – MPB Club members only.

Tuesday & Thursday Evening

The indoor hall is open from 5.00pm until the conclusion of the official shoot at about 8.45pm – refer to restrictions for visitors.

Sunday to Friday

The outdoor range is open for private practice during daylight hours – MPB Club members only. As the range is not supervised, under 18yo members must not be left at the range without adult supervision.

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